58 research outputs found

    On the (Im)plausibility of Public-Key Quantum Money from Collision-Resistant Hash Functions

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    Public-key quantum money is a cryptographic proposal for using highly entangled quantum states as currency that is publicly verifiable yet resistant to counterfeiting due to the laws of physics. Despite significant interest, constructing provably-secure public-key quantum money schemes based on standard cryptographic assumptions has remained an elusive goal. Even proposing plausibly-secure candidate schemes has been a challenge. These difficulties call for a deeper and systematic study of the structure of public-key quantum money schemes and the assumptions they can be based on. Motivated by this, we present the first black-box separation of quantum money and cryptographic primitives. Specifically, we show that collision-resistant hash functions cannot be used as a black-box to construct public-key quantum money schemes where the banknote verification makes classical queries to the hash function. Our result involves a novel combination of state synthesis techniques from quantum complexity theory and simulation techniques, including Zhandry's compressed oracle technique.Comment: 55 page

    A Modular Approach to Unclonable Cryptography

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    We explore a new pathway to designing unclonable cryptographic primitives. We propose a new notion called unclonable puncturable obfuscation (UPO) and study its implications for unclonable cryptography. Using UPO, we present modular (and in some cases, arguably, simple) constructions of many primitives in unclonable cryptography, including, public-key quantum money, quantum copy-protection for many classes of functionalities, unclonable encryption, and single-decryption encryption. Notably, we obtain the following new results assuming the existence of UPO: - We show that any cryptographic functionality can be copy-protected as long as this functionality satisfies a notion of security, which we term as puncturable security. Prior feasibility results focused on copy-protecting specific cryptographic functionalities. - We show that copy-protection exists for any class of evasive functions as long as the associated distribution satisfies a preimage-sampleability condition. Prior works demonstrated copy-protection for point functions, which follows as a special case of our result. - We show that unclonable encryption exists in the plain model. Prior works demonstrated feasibility results in the quantum random oracle model. We put forward a candidate construction of UPO and prove two notions of security, each based on the existence of (post-quantum) sub-exponentially secure indistinguishability obfuscation and one-way functions, the quantum hardness of learning with errors, and a new conjecture called simultaneous inner product conjecture

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Compact Functional Encryption

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    The arrival of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) has transformed the cryptographic landscape by enabling several security goals that were previously beyond our reach. Consequently, one of the pressing goals currently is to construct iO from well-studied standard cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we make progress in this direction by presenting a reduction from iO to a natural form of public-key functional encryption (FE). Specifically, we construct iO for general functions from any single-key FE scheme for NC1 that achieves selective, indistinguishability security against sub-exponential time adversaries. Further, the FE scheme should be compact, namely, the running time of the encryption algorithm must only be a polynomial in the security parameter and the input message length (and not in the function description size or its output length). We achieve this result by developing a novel arity amplification technique to transform FE for single-ary functions into FE for multi-ary functions (aka multi-input FE). Instantiating our approach with known, non-compact FE schemes, we obtain the first constructions of multi-input FE for constant-ary functions based on standard assumptions. Finally, as a result of independent interest, we construct a compact FE scheme from randomized encodings for Turing machines and learning with errors assumption

    Pseudorandom Strings from Pseudorandom Quantum States

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    A fundamental result in classical cryptography is that pseudorandom generators are equivalent to one-way functions and in fact implied by nearly every classical cryptographic primitive requiring computational assumptions. In this work, we consider a variant of pseudorandom generators called quantum pseudorandom generators (QPRGs), which are quantum algorithms that (pseudo)deterministically map short random seeds to long pseudorandom strings. We provide evidence that QPRGs can be as useful as PRGs by providing cryptographic applications of QPRGs such as commitments and encryption schemes. Our main result is showing that QPRGs can be constructed assuming the existence of logarithmic-length quantum pseudorandom states. This raises the possibility of basing QPRGs on assumptions weaker than one-way functions. We also consider quantum pseudorandom functions (QPRFs) and show that QPRFs can be based on the existence of logarithmic-length pseudorandom function-like states. Our primary technical contribution is a method for pseudodeterministically extracting uniformly random strings from Haar-random states.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur

    Functional Encryption for Turing Machines

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    In this work, we construct an adaptively secure functional encryption for Turing machines scheme, based on indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits. Our work places no restrictions on the types of Turing machines that can be associated with each secret key, in the sense that the Turing machines can accept inputs of unbounded length, and there is no limit to the description size or the space complexity of the Turing machines. Prior to our work, only special cases of this result were known, or stronger assumptions were required. More specifically, previous work (implicitly) achieved selectively secure FE for Turing machines with a-priori bounded input based on indistinguishability obfuscation (STOC 2015), or achieved FE for general Turing machines only based on knowledge-type assumptions such as public-coin differing-inputs obfuscation (TCC 2015). A consequence of our result is the first constructions of succinct adaptively secure garbling schemes (even for circuits) in the standard model. Prior succinct garbling schemes (even for circuits) were only known to be adaptively secure in the random oracle model

    Projective Arithmetic Functional Encryption and Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Degree-5 Multilinear Maps

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    In this work, we propose a variant of functional encryption called projective arithmetic functional encryption (PAFE). Roughly speaking, our notion is like functional encryption for arithmetic circuits, but where secret keys only yield partially decrypted values. These partially decrypted values can be linearly combined with known coefficients and the result can be tested to see if it is a small value. We give a degree-preserving construction of PAFE from multilinear maps. That is, we show how to achieve PAFE for arithmetic circuits of degree d using only degree-d multilinear maps. Our construction is based on an assumption over such multilinear maps, that we justify in a generic model. We then turn to applying our notion of PAFE to one of the most pressing open problems in the foundations of cryptography: building secure indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) from simpler building blocks. iO from degree-5 multilinear maps. Recently, the works of Lin [Eurocrypt 2016] and Lin-Vaikuntanathan [FOCS 2016] showed how to build iO from constant-degree multilinear maps. However, no explicit constant was given in these works, and an analysis of these published works shows that the degree requirement would be in excess of 30. The ultimate dream goal of this line of work would be to reduce the degree requirement all the way to 2, allowing for the use of well-studied bilinear maps, or barring that, to a low constant that may be supportable by alternative secure low-degree multilinear map candidates. We make substantial progress toward this goal by showing how to leverage PAFE for degree-5 arithmetic circuits to achieve iO, thus yielding the first iO construction from degree-5 multilinear maps

    Unclonable Encryption, Revisited

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    Unclonable encryption, introduced by Broadbent and Lord (TQC\u2720), is an encryption scheme with the following attractive feature: given a ciphertext, an adversary cannot create two ciphertexts both of which decrypt to the same message as the original ciphertext. We revisit this notion and show the following: - Reusability: The constructions proposed by Broadbent and Lord have the disadvantage that they either guarantee one-time security (that is, the encryption key can only be used once to encrypt the message) in the plain model or they guaranteed security in the random oracle model. We construct unclonable encryption schemes with semantic security. We present two constructions from minimal cryptographic assumptions: (i) a private-key unclonable encryption scheme assuming post-quantum one-way functions and, (ii) a public-key unclonable encryption scheme assuming a post-quantum public-key encryption scheme. -Lower Bound and Generalized Construction: We revisit the information-theoretic one-time secure construction of Broadbent and Lord. The success probability of the adversary in their construction was guaranteed to be 0.85n0.85^n, where nn is the length of the message. It was interesting to understand whether the ideal success probability of (negligibly close to) 0.5n0.5^n was unattainable. We generalize their construction to be based on a broader class of monogamy of entanglement games (while their construction was based on BB84 game). We demonstrate a simple cloning attack that succeeds with probability 0.71n0.71^n against a class of schemes including that of Broadbent and Lord. We also present a 0.75n0.75^n cloning attack exclusively against their scheme. - Implication to Copy-Protection: We show that unclonable encryption, satisfying a stronger property, called unclonable-indistinguishability (defined by Broadbent and Lord), implies copy-protection for a simple class of unlearnable functions. While we currently don\u27t have encryption schemes satisfying this stronger property, this implication demonstrates a new path to construct copy-protection
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